Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A room without books is like a body without a soul

Books are not made for furniture,but there is nothing else that so beautifuly furnishes a house
- Hendry Ward Beecher

Reading is to the mind what exercising is to the body
-Richard Steele

Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested
-Francis Bacon

LIFE OF "PI" by Yann Martel

this book is way far "the best book" i read this couple of years, the story is about a 16 year old indian boy who had a tragic experience, he's the only survivors from a sinking cargo ship, well he's not the only one but he manage to got to a safety lifeboat with a Hyena, a broken leg Zebra, a female Orang Utan and a Royal Bengal Tiger.
*i just couldn't put it down,it such a great adventure story, and also its about GOD and brings us to believe in miracle one more time :)
i give *****stars for this book

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