Saturday, January 8, 2011

interesting drinks list

one of the reason i love the city of jakarta, it supply of many places to hang out, especially inside the malls.. here's one of new place we went recently .. it named ROPPAN (japannese) RO-PPAN means bread, they serve everything on a piece of thick toast (from egg to ice cream) and ... heres what i like the most they also serve many variety of beers!!! u name it.. lychee beer, strawberry beer,peach beer,chocomelt beer,banana float beer  :))

but still for someone who's got the beer' blues here's an example of one..(scroll down)

do come to this place...

it's a german bar with a live band, i'm not a beer drinker so don't know which beer taste best here! but i do enjoy the place especially at october fest, many german people come drink beer in a "boots shape glass, and with a german song played, i imagined a big fat german lady at a bar like this hehe.. 

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